History of the Missouri Goat Festival

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I'm glad you are here and are interested in how this Goat Crazy Fall Festival got started! I have to tell you I'm not the genius that made this kind of festival up. I wish I was! I have to give The Arkansas Goat Festival the credit for being the master minds of the greatest festival ever!! (Around of applause here with a standing ovation) .

My Husband Tim Schnapp took me to the Arkansas Goat Festival last year October 2023 I had wanted to go for years and years then he made it happen!! We had a wonderful time and met a lot of wonderful people! It was the first time l had heard Posey Hill! They literally stopped me in my tracks.

I thought about the Goat Festival all night and into the morning. As we were packing up my head was spinning and the wheels were turning and I could think of nothing else but the Arkansas Goat Festival. You see I have had goats for 18 plus years. I have been completely obsessed with them from the start. So naturally my brain as it often does went right to How in the heck can I get a festival for goats started in Missouri I Pondered over it at breakfast while driving and at lunch and more driving then about half way home my loud mouth blurted out I'm going to start the Missouri Goat Festival. My husband said what????  Me: I'm going to start the Missouri Goat Festival Tim sat there of a few seconds and says what do I always say?  Everything is possible! Me: you really think I can do it? Tim: If any one can do it, it is  definitely you!! 

When I set my mind to do something I go above and beyond to make it happen and make sure its over the top. I decided to start right away on planning. {I'm trying so hard to fit everything in a short time we may have to go to a two day festival.}

I contacted the Montgomery County fair Board and asked to be put on the agenda. To pitch my Idea of this unique festival to celebrate the amazing Goat!!!! We went and pitched the idea. I had everything ready printed out maps where everything will be set up and how the goat parade will take place. They liked it and approved it that night. I was so happy I could not even handle it. So immediately my head was spinnig with lots of thoughts and ideas. It seemed  in that moment someone had opened the flood gates to a new and uncharted part of my brian. I started writing down ideas and contacting people right away. Getting lots of positive feed back. And seeing the interest that people other then myself had in a Goat Festival was amazing and so inspiring. It Going to be Goattastic! with more and more ideas always coming about I can not help but to think that this is just getting started and it will grow every single year! I can not wait to see how this Festival gets better and better and continues to grow. Thank the Lord and Heavens above for the amazing Goat!!

XoXo as always Promote the Goat Have a Goattastic Day!! 




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